Jobs For January

Flower Garden

Dig over vacant flowers if you haven't already done so

Trim grasses but not too far - this can be done in late spring

Cut back perennials to ground level

Mulch borders with 2 inches of leaf mould, compost or well rotted manure 

Vegetable Plot

January is a quiet month for the vegetable plot - start planning for the next season now!

Fruit Garden

Start forcing rhubarb for the sweetest stems

Prune/thin out apple & pear trees - Cut back any new growth to one or two buds

Trees & Shrubs

Recycle old Christmas trees and shred to use for mulch on the garden

If necessary brush snow off trees and shrubs to prevent branches getting damaged

Plant and replace hedges or rose bushes before any snow arrives and the ground freezes

Cut back Buddlieas


On warmer days ventilate greenhouses

Check that greenhouse insulation if securely attached

To make sure that greenhouse heaters are functioning correctly invest in a min-max thermometer

If it has snowed remove from roofs to prevent damage & let in as much light as possible


Repair & re-shape lawn edges

Pest Control

Wash trees with winter wash to kill any remaining insect eggs

Other Jobs this Month

Put out food & water for birds

Keep irrigation lines drained to prevent freezing & damage

Lag outside taps